Thank you for answering so fast. I am indeed happy
that Toyota Vista Kochi has not abandoned me and my ideas, and
activities to help the poor people,who have few friends and little
legal possibilities to improve their situation - all the contrary.
I will prepare some pictures and send you the report a German
lady in Yamanashi has kindly translated for me. I do not know
her, it was Mr.Treude who asked her. I am proud that ATCA is alive
and able to help so many people, mainly children!
I am happy that you contacted some school children. It is the
children who can help their friends in the world. My funds in
Germany come mainly from German children, but the fact that I
am absent most of the time makes it difficult to keep up.
We started ATCA Italia in the place my sister lives, they will
help in Vietnam, their start is small, but I have hope. Southern
Italy has so many illegal immigrants coming from all sides of
the Mediterranean, many after a terrible march crossing the Sahara
desert, most of them die, and those who arrive finally in Italy
or Spain are desperately sick and weak. Therefore my friends in
Southern Italy know very well what it means to be persecuted,
a homeless refugee, hungry and most of all, thirsty, on those
I think in Japan very few people know what is going on in our
countries, where
hundredthousands of refugees arrive every year, they arrive every
Now I am helping in places less exposed, not known, far away,
and of no interest to their governments. Global Economy does not
consider the poor of this world. The poor have no voice. It is
very laudable that you with your colleagues took up a very courageous
task to help the poor in Asia. I am very happy and this gives
me much strength.
I will write on another e-mail and send reports. They are not
made for children, but it is something recent at least.
Best regards to you and your colleagues
margareta weisser